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UPDATE 3/2022: You can download the drivers from here:

UPDATE 5/2013: The drivers have moved the new site listed below. Also the firmware in the Fedora repositories no longer works. And they are no longer hosting the firmware on the Epson site. I have a copy of it below. UPDATE 12/21/2014: Updated to latest versions below. Also note it looks like they are now hosting the plugin again. So you can download it from them or me. The latest version they have is the same version that hasn't been updated since 2011. NOTE: These notes are for the 64-bit version of Fedora. There are also 32-bit version available on Epson's site for download. Go to the following site and search for "V350 PHOTO":

You will need to get the following packages (assuming 64-bit):


Download the no longer available firmware from me:


Then install with the following commands:

yum install ./iscan-data-1.33.0-1.noarch.rpm
yum install ./iscan-2.30.0-1.usb0.1.ltdl7.x86_64.rpm
yum install ./iscan-plugin-gt-f700-2.1.2-1.i386.rpm

Then click on "Applications->Graphics->Image Scan! for Linux" to run the program.
