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Install a User Service for a Podman Container

Create a User based service file:

cd ~/.config/systemd/user
podman generate systemd CONTAINER-NAME > container-CONTAINER-NAME.service

Edit the service file and comment out the PID= section. The allows you to not have to create a new service file each time you re-create the container.

Reload the systemctl dameon as root:

systemctl dameon-reload

Enable/start the service up. Do this as the user it will run as:

systemctl --user enable container-CONTAINER-NAME
systemctl --user start containre-CONTAINER-NAME

Best Way to Upgrade Fedora via Command Line

Upgrading via the Software application can have issues.  If it has any issues at all it just fails leaving your system partially upgraded.  This method is much safer and give you the ability to fix any issues as you find them.  Also don't try to jump more than 2 versions at a time (ie. 35 to 37).

Before you even get started I like to backup my grub.conf file and remove all kernels accept the current one just to get a cleaner start:

Test STARTTLS SMTP Connection

Run the following command to connect

openssl s_client -connect {server}:{port} -starttls smtp

Then find out what authentication is supported. It should now show "AUTH LOGIN" now that you have an encrypted connection:

ehlo {}

If you see "AUTH LOGIN" in the list then do the following:

Common firewall-cmd Examples

List all zones:

 firewall-cmd --list-all-zones

List all active zones:

firewall-cmd --get-active-zone

To add a host or network to allow all connections from:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=

Add a service to be allowed from anywhere:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=smtp

When you run firewall-cmd with the "--permanent" it will not be active until the dameon is reloaded. Do the following to make them active:

firewall-cmd --reload